Flower From A Smokestack is 12″ x 16″ screen print, fresh off the press. The imagery first appeared for a Billy Strings concert poster that was a fast sell out at the shows and online – so we are pleased to offer these new, smaller print editions. Since the editions are somewhat limited, some inventory will sold through this lottery as an alternative purchasing experience for those that tend to miss out on the online releases. The majority of the inventory will be sold in the Shop this Wednesday (4/20), with a few different drop times.

Prints are signed and numbered and there are a few editions available for this one. Of course there are a few subtle variations in ink within the editions as well…..some have birds that are more blue.

Main Edition of 200 on light blue stock. $55 + Shipping
(online Spusta Studio Shop Release set for 4/20 just after 4:25 pm pdt)

Dark Blue Variant of 150 on metallic stock (100% of proceeds to aid in the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, via Razom) $70 + shipping
(online Spusta Studio Shop Release set for 4/20 just after 9:20am pdt)

Gold Edition of 100 on metallic stock (Will be offered somehow through SpustaStash.com this Friday, April 22nd with 60% of sales going to Environmental Charities we have supported in the past.)

Black Edition of 60 – $110 + shipping
Most of these will be invoiced from this lottery…it may show up in the Shop at random times.

Mystery Variant Editions of 25 and 14 will randomly be inserted as bonuses with orders.

• To enter this purchasing selection lottery for a Flower From A Smokestack, just reply to this post with a comment that picks one edition/version to enter for (Main or Dark Blue or Black)

Only comment once please and it can be advantageous to use an email already connected with our shop. Please note the prices will have $18 added in Priority shipping domestically, California sales tax and international shipping charges will apply. Invoices will start being emailed right away. We may send some straggler invoices in the days following the sale as well.

1,165 thoughts on “Flower From A Smokestack – Release & Lottery

        1. Scott Audunson

          Aloha !!! Thank you so much for the opportunity to own one of these prints … I can’t believe I won a spot in the lottery on my first time trying .. always wanted a spusta print and stoked to be able to get a gold version of the smokestacks.. can’t wait to frame it !!! .. knowing my money went to a really good cause makes it a win win ….. I feel good knowing I was able to contribute to saving wildlife

    1. Michael Inkrote

      The Gold is beautiful but the main Edition of light blue would match my Main Edition light blue of “The Sparrow” and frame together perfectly.

      1. Stephen Kallsen

        One you go BLACK….
        please? cheese and tanks ewe.
        This art print is beautiful Marq. My daughter and I
        attended this amazing show too!

        1. Mickey Namey

          Have to post twice because I’m an idiot and didn’t see gold wasn’t an option. Would love a main edition though, the blue really brings out the clouds.

        1. Erik Blomenkamp

          Hummmnmmmiiiiiiiinnnnnnnngggggg like a little bird into a chance for a main edition would be so lovely!!! Thank you!

    1. Scott Audunson

      Aloha !!! Thank you so much for the opportunity to own one of these prints … I can’t believe I won a spot in the lottery on my first time trying .. always wanted a spusta print and stoked to be able to get a gold version of the smokestacks.. can’t wait to frame it !!! .. knowing my money went to a really good cause makes it a win win ….. I feel good knowing I was able to contribute to saving wildlife .. I love the black version

      1. Cortney stoner

        So glad you are doing another release. This was my loves bday weekend and we would love to commemorate it. Black please!

        I think Gold would be good too, but I’m not seeing a pic of that one?

  1. Mike Zu

    I’d love a black one! Had two friends that were next door neighbors on Commercial St after collage.
    Put a Bird on it!

  2. Avromi Steinberg

    I’d be happy with any.. need some flowers in my life right now. Number 1 would be great, but I’d be happy with anything. The consideration means a lot 💜

  3. Jed Mallard

    Put me in for the dark blue please. Love this variant and the fact that its going to help support Ukraine!

  4. shawn mcintyre

    thats awesome Marq . I would like to help the humanitarian crisis…so dark blue please. and thank you !

  5. Vic Lucariello

    I’d like to request a Black variant, please… hoping to score one of these beauties to display with my Flowers In Filth.
    Happy 420! : )

  6. Kenny

    Thanks Marq. Would be grateful to be considered for the Black edition. Thanks again, you keep up the good work 🙂

  7. Matt Frazier

    Hoping to score either blue to frame next to my favorite piece, the ‘Soarin’ bluebird. Thank you!

  8. Christopher A. Cousins

    Gold please and thank you 🙂

    Nature’s first green is gold,
    Her hardest hue to hold.
    Her early leaf’s a flower;
    But only so an hour.
    Then leaf subsides to leaf.
    So Eden sank to grief,
    So dawn goes down to day.
    Nothing gold can stay.

  9. Rich Curtis

    Would like a shot at the black edition, please and thank you. Awesome print, keep up the fantastic work!

  10. Chris Baker

    Dark Blue please and thank you! Was so glad you decided to do a print of these amazing humming birds other than the Billy print 🙂

  11. wiliam wynes

    We’d be honored to be picked for a Blue Metallic version. Blown away by this image and love the idea of helping the charity.

  12. Joshua

    1 Black Please! I didn’t have any luck with the Billy Strings lottery. Hopefully since today is my birthday I will have better luck! Thanks!

  13. Donovan Dasher III

    Beautiful imagery that’s very appropriate for Earth Day! Would love the dark blue variant. As always, thank you to Marq & the Gnomes for your kindness and sharing of art!

  14. Jacob Bridges

    Can’t believe I’m passing up choosing the black, but I’m in for the Dark Blue! Thank you as always for the chance and for the art!

  15. Josh Bischoff

    I would be happy with any edition, whatever is available if my name gets pulled in the lotto. If I have to pick one, Main is cool with me! (I also need a Mother’s Day present for my partner, this would be perfect!)

  16. Daniel Rosenthal

    Black please!! It’s darkness would comfort me in the loneliest of nights and we would care for each other oh so much!! Thanks for the chance!

  17. Chris Birbiglia

    This hummingbird lover would love a shot at the black!
    We feed our hummers year round and they all
    have names! Cheers to you and the gnomes!

  18. John McDonald

    Probably way too late here.. but I would LOVE to frame one of the black variants!!! Please & Thank You!!

  19. Kyle Morales

    All these choices of such a beautiful print is so tough, but I chose the Black variant please. Thank you and amazing job.

  20. Avigail Royzenberg

    I would really love the black one so much. I have a black Murby’s Balls and it’s very special to me. Every detail is spot on. Murby needs a friend and I think this is it!
    Thank you for the chance and all that you do!

  21. William Skaggs

    Main edition please and thank you! This would look great in my sons room next to the lil listenera

  22. Margot Hanwell

    Ooh! I missed out when the show print was available and assumed I’d never get another chance. I just love this image, and as usual am finding it hard to choose a favorite! I guess I’ll pick the Main one, and thank you for the opportunity.

  23. Derek Lefkowitz

    This is my favorite piece you’ve ever done. I would love a main edition, if possible. Thank you for everything over the years Marc!

  24. A.J. Price

    I really like the main edition but I have a feeling the black will really pop, so despite the lowered chance of being picked, I gotta go for the black one!

    Thanks for being awesome, Marq. Your public adores you and for good reason!

  25. Bernie

    Hello !! I would love any type of ink or paper please and thank you ::: bat’s eyelashes for extra cuteness:::

  26. Matt Smolinsky

    There’s something about the “main” that always attracts me, and it can’t hurt my odds 🙂

  27. James Moree

    That dark blue strain is straight FIRE!! I really appreciate the non-drop opportunity and the fact you are supporting Ukraine. Keep it up!

  28. Rick Gamertsfelder

    Love all of these so much!! I would love to donate for the dark blue edition – thanks for all your team of gnomes do. ✌️

  29. Jon larocque

    I would be pleased with any color
    I feel lucky just to have a chance thank you…..
    You guys are so kind and caring

  30. Joseph Phillips

    Any edition would be great. A variant would be dope. Please, thanks and HAPPY 420 MARQ & GNOMES!

  31. Wes Southerland

    I would love to put a Black Edition Billy Strings Spusta on my wall gallery. Thanks for the offer!

  32. Jennifer Emmett

    My first Spusta lottery! Please enjoy my poem.

    smokestack employees
    look happier than i thought
    bet they like dark blue

    Thank you!

  33. Robert S

    I’d love to be considered for the main Ed please. A truly beautiful print for a wonderful cause.

    Thanks as always for your inspiration and light into the world

  34. Ann Hollins

    While I love all…. I am choosing DARK BLUE because I want to help Ukraine with such beautiful art. Such horror happening to those innocent people. Marq this is one of the many reasons why I fell in love with you and your art! Thank you for being a Beautiful Human always! Much Love

  35. Mark

    Mara & Gnomes, hope all of you are awesome…..and spinning good tunes! Would love an invoice for the black edition….I like ‘em dark! Thank You!

  36. Gabriel Meadows

    I’d be forever grateful for the opportunity to purchase the main edition. Cheers and good luck er’body!

  37. Julie Spiesel

    So beautiful! Wonderful you are donating to help Ukraine! I would love to purchase the dark blue please!

  38. Howie Reiner

    Gotta be dark blue for my brothers and sisters in Ukraine. I wish I could go there and help, but I have young kids. I will send Karma and Love.

  39. Bryant Bowen

    Would love to own a light blue one. Thanks for thinking about the fans and taking the time to do this. Take care

  40. Matthew Neifert

    I would love a chance at the main blue print because I’d like to surprise my 8 year old with it on her wall. She loves sunflowers and her room is painted the same colors as the poster. The Billy Strings print was out of our range financially, but this would be perfect–thank you kindly for the opportunity.

  41. mtk

    Main edition, please. Although the black is probably a more realistic vision of the future, the light blue seems more hopeful to me, and right now hope is good. Thanks for the chance.

  42. Rachel G

    Black blue, please! Love this print so much, I’ve been hoping for more variants since missing every chance at the official print!

  43. Steve Birkhimer

    Greetings! I’d love to be considered for the black variant – I really dig the contrast, and have a perfect place on my wall for it 🙂

  44. Nicole Maggio

    I would love anyone of these, but I would love to support Ukraine 🇺🇦 💙💛🌻 so +1 dark blue PLEASE!

  45. Jessica Vega

    Thanks for this opportunity. The black edition would be my choice if I had to choose, but they are all fantastic.

  46. Rob Ward

    Main edition please! Thank you for going to such lengths to get your art into the hands of the real fans !

  47. Mark Levin

    Perhaps my favorite print for 2022 so far. There is so much meaning for me behind this print too. I would love a shot at the Black Edition or Gold but would truly appreciate any of them. It’s just stunning.

  48. David

    Thank you for this opportunity. If I’m a lucky candidate, I’ll be happy to pay all the extra shipping costs to get one of these beauties to Canada where it will be displayed on my wall. My choice is the stunning Dark Blue.

  49. Jessi Link

    I’d love a dark blue if I’m lucky enough to be picked, please!
    Thanks for the chance and for supporting worthy organizations.

  50. Kristin Zachman

    I am happy to have any but would love the Gold! Thanks for outfitting my house with wonderful beautiful art! (Also, I’m a high school English teacher in Madison WI and the kids LOVE your stickers 😉)

  51. Max Lawrie

    In hopes of actually getting any of them ill stick with the MAIN edition to up my chances 🤣 thanks for the chance!

  52. Amanda Salvas

    Not sure what I am doing, but I love your art and this print!! Dark blue is a great color. Thank you!

  53. Daniel Morgan