14 thoughts on “Nestling in a Nook

  1. troy goode

    will the full size Nestling in a Nook
    be availiable in the shop at some point? i really want to grab one ๐Ÿ™‚ thanks

  2. Brady

    the ruby version appeared unexpectedly in the drop yesterday, unfortunately, I couldn’t click fast enough. very nice piece….

    1. John C

      Unfortunately I think Marq has long sold out of these particular prints! I know itโ€™s been quite sometime since you posted your comment and may have acquired it by now. I highly doubt Marq has any left unless the one or two he may have are for his portfolio! If youโ€™re still interested I would recommend checking secondary markets for availability. I donโ€™t think I would need to name those but if so, the bay or expreso beans. I donโ€™t think you will find a price near for what they sold, but figured the info would be helpful if you are still looking to acquire.


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