35 thoughts on “Moe. Silver Summer Tour Poster

  1. ZU

    Another great one! Does anyone know what the nail in the forehead of the sun symbolizes? Marq, can you shed any light on the sun nail/piercing?

  2. Lucas White

    Love this one Marq. I was lucky to grab one at Summer Camp. If any variants come about, it would be great to have an opportunity to add one to my collection.

  3. Eric Murray

    moe. Has a song called silver sun. They are also celebrating their 25th anniversary as band, hence “Silver Summer”

  4. Richie Rich

    I was gonna drive up last night and pay the $49 single day entry to snag this and possibly the Gov Mule if they had it available but the weather was kinda sketchy.

    Awesome work

  5. Keith Christensen

    Pinball theme! Must have!
    check out my Pinball Expo I put on every year you might dig it if you like pinball !

  6. Richie Rich

    I just saw today’s posters and once again, MARQ SPUSTA hits a home run! It is a standout.

    My sis is at the shows and I just emailed her a pic of your poster and specific marching orders. Luckily it’s a beautiful day in Chi-town.


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