“Pepperland” is my 36″ x 24″ 10-color screen print celebrating The Beatles and the amazing 1968 film, Yellow Submarine.

We put everything we had into this one. I had the art in development for over a year and Monolith Press was almost completely devoted to this print run for a few weeks along with Dark Hall Mansion and Apple Corps showing a lot of support and patience through out. This was a passion project for us.

While most of the Pepperland prints have already been sold through Dark Hall Mansion a few weeks ago, there is a substantial stack left that we will be releasing through the shop this Wednesday (11/11) sometime after 4pm pst. The majority of the inventory will be the Main Editions of 455 on cream stock, with some Gold Editions of 150 that will be available as well. (Sorry, we quietly sold the Foils last week). The price on the remaining inventory from the Studio will be marked up from what Dark Hall Mansion originally released their copies for.

OK. One more thing…we are going to add a little begging customer lottery invoicing thing here too. As mentioned, I put a lot into this one and want true Beatles/Spusta fans to be able to get one for themselves or their family/friends – so, we’ll send some invoices for the main edition to some commenters here before and after the drop on Wednesday.

Pepperland Begging Customer Lottery Instructions:
• You are not eligible for this lottery if you already got a version from DHM’s sale. Thank you for helping us spread these around.
• To enter, comment on this post, the email you enter into the hidden field will be the one we send a Spusta Shop invoice to if picked.
• In ten words or less, why do you want to buy the print? (free range on the punctuation, but if you put 11 words in the comment we won’t pick you)


589 thoughts on ““Pepperland” from the Spusta Studio.

  1. Jason Deziel

    Amazing, one of my first recollections as a child was with Sgt Pepper and I would love to give this to my brother who shrared this amazing thing with me.

    Thank You for all your efforts!

  2. Larry

    Fantastic job on this one Marq! The Beatles have certainly shaped my love for music. As an artist myself I have a lot of respect for your style of art. Thank you for all of you do!

  3. Steve Harris

    Really hoping to score any version of this print for my wife. She’s a huge Beatles fan, especially Yellow Submarine. Thanks for the shot at this!

  4. Taylor

    I deserve this poster because I am the only only out of my friends that got the jeopardy question right last night, answer “blue meanies.”

  5. Dan

    I am new to Marq Spusta art, but a huge fan of classic music and collectibles. I had the honor of getting a Spusta studios grateful dead 50 poster and having a Beatles poster to add to the collection would be great. I am begging for the opportunity. Thanks

  6. Allie Sparrow

    Another true work of art for one of history’s most influential bands. I would love to add this to our collection. Thank you Marq for always sharing your talent with us and I love to adorn our walls with your magic!

  7. Colton

    Hey Thanks for such an awesome job I have a gold one on the way and cant wait!!! Will anything else be sold in the shop this week or just the remaining copies of these? Thanks guys have a wonderful week!!!

  8. Matt Gray

    Never won anything before but love this print with my whole heart and would love nothing but to have this on my wall!

  9. Fernando Molinaro

    I remember watching Yellow Submarine when I was younger and just starting to crack my mind wide open. The Beatles provided the soundtrack to that journey and life’s never been the same since! Beautiful print captures it all so wonderfully!

  10. Matty B

    BLUE MEANIES BELONG ON THE WALL – NOT ON THE LOOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Ronald J. Graviett

    I remember seeing the movie in the theaters in 1968. Started drawing like Peter Max with Flair pens. I’d love to own this poster.

  12. Adam

    Sitting this one out. Great print, but I wouldn’t keep it. Good luck to everyone! Much love to marq and the gnomes for past pick ups:0)

  13. James Manzione

    Hey Marq!!!
    Ran into you at GD50!! You signed my buddy’s old skool shirt of your’s that he was wearing. It totally made his day 🙂

    Love the new print and would truly appreciate having one.

    Thanks for all the art from all the years,

  14. Stephen Stein

    This looks AMAZING! I would love to surprise my wife with this for the holidays. This print will mean a lot to her….

  15. Hightime

    “as we live this life of ease, everyone of us has all he needs, a sky of blue and sea of green, in our yellow submarine.” bottomless bliss good sir- cheers!

  16. Ross Attkisson

    I’m gonna get by with a little
    Help from my friends. This would go great on my second Spusta wall in my new spot!! Thanks again as always for the awesome art Marq!

  17. Jay cordy

    There once was a man from Connecticut
    He tried on the drop but he missed it
    He said to Marq Spusta
    “Please gift me a posta
    If it comes in the mail
    I will frame it!”

    This would be my FIRST print of yours I have admired you from afar for far to long now, PLZ GET ME IN THE GAME!!!

  18. cathi

    It’s wonderful to be here
    It’s certainly a thrill
    You’re such a lovely audience
    We want you to take home with us
    We are looking forward to bring you home

  19. eejay

    If I had this Spusta x Beatles deliciousness hanging on my bedroom wall, I would pop records on and sit and stare at it for hours at a time. I’d make my dog stare at it too.

  20. Jason Smith

    Hello, First time replier, long time gazer of eye candy. Hope this works out well for all those interested. Happy Veterans day to all those out there who do the things many of us would not. Thank you for your service. And now back to your regularly scheduled programming… Jason

  21. Scotty Yaffe

    Pepperland is a tickle of joy on the blue belly of the universe. It must be scratched. Right Max?

    Foil me again, folks.

  22. Oliver Pence

    My mother introduced me to The Beatles Sgt pepper on a road trip when i was 5 years old (35 now). Its all my brother and I wanted to hear after that. I remember peering out of the window out at the vast american landscape. Pepperland is what I saw. Thank you for recreating this world for us in this beautiful poster. I hope to be lucky enough to own it some day!!!

  23. Mike Hootman

    I would love to gift this to my pops . He loves the beetles.

    He still to this day says hes not over the breakup lol

    I think hes nuts but …

  24. Jon

    Just recently married, my wife LOVES the Beatles and this would make an amazing xmas gift. Her whole family is from England hence the life long love for the Beatles. Please, please, please!

  25. Brian Kreuscher

    Way to keep the classics going strong! Amazing work, and the perfect centerpiece for my wall. Would LOVE to look at this every day and put a smile on my face! If not, I’ll take that sad song, and make it better!

  26. steven

    My friend is a huge beatles and art fan and he would love this for Christmas ( his son are named lennon and harrison)

  27. jason smith

    Happiness is bug art

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  28. Joseph Cave

    Desperate to find a copy of this. Me and my 2 year old son Elliott Lennon
    watch Yellow Sub at least twice a week and sing all the songs.
    We’re Beatle mad in out house. I’m desperately trying too seek one out
    at a reasonable price. It’s such a shame people bought these to make profit.
    I could get lost in this print for hours and i know Elliott could to. Please help out
    my little (YeahYeahWeen) super fan. And his Beatle loving Daddy.
    Also happy to pay the original face value. Or even a little more.

    P.S We already have some of your J and Dino stuff up around the house <3


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