We have new posters and prints to get out to the people. The Primus poster was made for the Sessanta Tour’s stop at the Greek Theatre in Berkeley and sold out to an endless line at the merch booths. We are glad to have two editions to make available tomorrow. The demand on these posters have been very high, so we will be running a fair launch of these prints through our EQL page. These launches help us randomly select customers within the pool of those interested. The Artist Edition of 100 will be open for entry between 10am-3pm PDT ($200) and the Pink ‘n’ Gold Edition of 50 will be open from 4pm-7pm PDT ($280). You may enter for both, but will not be selected for both.

We have compiled a nice stack of Mystery Mini Print Packs for release as well. These packs will include a variety of 4 minis + 1 micro screen print from the batch of designs that debuted with the “Understanding Between” packs. The packs will include one random 7″x 7″ mini print, one random 5″ x 7″ mini print, one random 5″ x 5″ mini print and a new 5″ x 5″ variety of “Little Spirit In A Hat”. This release will also be a launch via our EQL page, open from 2pm – 5pm PDT tomorrow 5/22/24.

While these releases will be run through EQL to randomly select winners, we also want to offer people a chance to comment here if they feel they have been missing out on Spusta Studio drops lately. We will be selecting some commentors on this post to be given a major boost in the EQL selection process. So still enter the EQL launches for what you want and use that same email address (hidden from public) in the comment on this post and state your case.
Some cases that may be given privileges:
– Previous customers that missed out on the last minis
– Attendees of Sessanta Berkeley that missed out
– The biggest of Primus fans
– People Marq went to school with 🙂
Hoping to boost my EQL chances 🙂 thanks for the opportunity!!!
Will only be going for mini packs 🙂
I I was first in line at the SESSANTA Merch booth. The posters were not there yet. I completely missed out. Devastated 😥 I refuse to buy from a flipper. Pleeeeze help a girl out. 🙏
I have never won a Spusta drop, Primus Sucks!
missed out on the last batch of minis, and on sessanta tour. i love cats, and I love hats, and I love primus, and I love spusta. thanks for the chance, and the amazing art 👌
Fingers crossed! They are all amazing. Just hope to be chosen this time around. Won’t be able to afford the aftermarket prices!
🤞Mini Pack🤞 thank you in advance.
I would love a mystery print pack but have never hit a lottery of yours of any kind, eql or not. Fingers crossed but I won’t be holding my breath. Working nights makes it hard to catch these day time drops anyway and almost impossible to score gnome drops. Awesome art as always and good luck to everyone going for either drop!
I’ll be trying for a mini pack!
Loved Primus ever since Sailing the Seas of Cheese!It would be fantastic to win !Les Claypool Is amazing!!!
Will there be an AP drop of the Dirty Side Down prints? P & TY!
There will, prints are in production now.
sweet thanks for the the chance!
Huuuuge primus fan🤞🤞🤞
Missed out at Berkeley and would love to grab one of the prints! Thanks Marq- see you at the next show!
I watched them sell out right in front of me at the show and have been shut out on all previous attempts at getting my first spectacular Spusta print. Hoping for better luck on this one.
Love you Marq!
I would be over the moon if I was considered for one of those amazing Primus posters, I had tix for the show but was stricken suddenly w/ extremely painful acute Diverticulitis. I plan to sign up for the EQL release, but have never been selected for anything thru them, after numerous releases. Thank for a shot, and cheers to you for continuing to create awesome and inspiring art… just keeps getting better!
Hey Spusta team. I fall in that category of missing out on new mini designs last couple of drops and would greatly appreciate any sort of nudge to help land some of these beauties. Thank you for the wonderful art and all you do. Cheers.
Hey Marq
Just wanted to say thanks and you keep up the good work. No case to plead, I don’t need any extra consideration, just saying thanks🤙
Just looking to score the minis. I wasn’t at the primus show and hope those go to those who were in attendance!
I went to the Sessanta Berkeley show but missed getting the posters. Lines were massive. Really want to snag this Primus poster and frame it. I’d be happy with either one. Love the art on this one man. Stellar work.
Would love a mini pack pop.
Good day Marq,
Love your art !!!Having no luck on EQL releases so far 🙁 Hopefully this time around I get 🍀. Keep up the great work ! Cheers 🥂
I’d love to boost my EQL chances!
*what’s an EQL? jkjk Simpson fat tony reference
Hi! Would love the opportunity to buy a mini pack.
I’d love to boost my eql chances! I haven’t hit a drop in forever!
Gonna toss my name in the EQL page for a mini pack. None of the reasons really apply to me (though I didn’t have any luck with the recent drops over on the Secret Stash page), but I live in Madison and my spouse went to Middleton which is almost Waunakee so we were essentially classmates, right? 🙂
love u spusta…was at the show and the
whole merch experience was terrible! people in my circle didnt even get one!xoxoxox please pick me🥰
thanks for the chance Marq! we always love and appreciate a mini pack!
Zero luck on EQL. Thanks for the chance!!
Hoping for some major luck tomorrow! Wife is due with #2 tmrw as well #fate
sure ill take a boost
none of the above reasons you stated apply to me but, hoping for a pack for my birthday tomorrow. Fingers crossed!
Would love a chance to goose my EQL chances ☺️ I missed out on the last release of mini’s 🥺
Never had any luck in the past with EQL drops so here I am haha! p.s. thanks for the chance! p.s. p.s. Primus sucks! 😉
Hello. I missed out on getting the primus one at the show, so I fall into these 3 categories. 🙂
– Previous customers that missed out on the last minis
– Attendees of Sessanta Berkeley that missed out
– The biggest of Primus fans
The pink and gold print made me squeal with excitement! Thank you! Who knew it could be even better?! Y’all are the best 🙂
0-fer on EQL and missed the last mini drop. Thanks for a new opportunity at new art!
Would love some extra love with some new minis!
Hi Spusta Team! I have really enjoyed collecting your work and would love a chance tomorrow for the mini pack as my daughter has taken over my small mini collection.
Went to the Sessanta Berkeley show, waited in the merch line for 90 minutes and managed to snag a poster, but it was unfortunately stolen at some point during the show, so another opportunity would be awesome!
I need a boost for the mini pack!
Waited in that endless line at Berkeley and just missed at the merch booth 😭. Thanks for this opportunity!! 🙏
Hopeful for a mini pack. Digging the little spirit!
Well I didn’t go to school with Marq or attend the Berkeley show, and I’ve had decent luck with Spusta EQL releases, but I went to the Chicago sessanta show and am the biggest of Primus fans but only want a mini pack. Thanks!
Have only won 1 time using EQL and it was not Spusta sadly. Anything would be greatly appreciated.
thank you for the opportunity! 🤞
Primus sucks! and I suck for missing out on this in Berkely!! Thanks for the second chance, Marq 🙂
Remember the Oysterhead collab? So good! Anyways hoping for a mini pack on this fine eve of an another sweet looking drop!!
Missed out on a poster at the show. Hotel checked us in an hour and a half late, unable to get in line in time. Not to mention the sh!t show of a merch line. This was my 18 yo sons first time seeing Primus & he was amazed by Les. That’s my sob story……PICK ME LOL.
I can’t get into my EQL account! So here’s my best shot.
Always love a chance at some Spusta Art!
The wet dog sighs on the dry fire.
Boomshanka man.
hi, trying for a mini print pack. have never been selected in any fashion on an EQL lottery. thanks for any consideration and thanks for all you do!
David Penny
Went to the show, missed out on the poster, sad cuz it was my fave ✨hope✨
Missed out on the last set but have plenty of your art to enjoy.
Thank you for putting it out here so we can enjoy it with you!
No luck on the EQL. Only missed one drop in 4 years
Not a fan of lottery. With these lotto I seem to see more for sale in the second market. Very sad.
Why not have your own page on FB and take a page from Welker. He does special drops for the group only at special time in a certain day for like a half hour sale. Much love✌️
missed quite a few recently here, just been out of the loop but would love a chance at mini pack or print. thanks for the chance ❤️
I would love a chance at a mini pack!
Waited in the Sessanta merch line for a few hours and missed the primus poster by a long shot, first time seeing primus and it was insane.. NEED IT
I absolutely adore Marq’s work and have fallen down the rabbit hole of the Spustaverse 🥰🍄 and kudos to the Gnome for being sympathetic on the last mini drop as i did get chosen for a the second round… HOWEVER… (first world problems) i have not been chos n with any Spusta EQL drops and often have trouble logging in. Hopeful to land something because Mara’s work will have a forever home with me or be traded to someone who is a collector. This community of Spusta aficionados is like no other group of collectors I’ve networked with. Yada yada yada…. 🤞🏼🤞🏼
Haven’t had much luck with EQL. 🤞 it’ll work out this time. Love the new Mini.
Just happy to see another Primus by Spusta, it’s been a long time comin’. I’ve yet to hit an EQL drop from any artist but I’ll throw my hat in the ring for this one~
I’m 0-4 on privileges but it would be great to score a mini pack!
What up!!! Save me the stress!! 😂😂
I would put this in the most beautiful frame… and lock that frame in the most beautiful safe….
i like shiny things.
Missed both chances on the last drop. It’s been a nightmare trading with everyone. Keeping fingers crossed for better luck this time. ♥
Wife says no!
I love this opportunity to share my hope, a rhyme to lift the lows we know. A scratch, a line then a stroke of a brush with paint . Your creation that gives a meaning to the lives we make. A song and dance and fishing cats, a dream I am in, this Spusta dance.
I would love a pink and orange..
thank you
Really hoping for a mini pack!
Doctors reiterated I’m NED today, it’s a good day to be alive.
I went to school with Mark Fusta! Does that count? Could use the EQL bump. Thanks!
I haven’t hit a Spusta drop since the twitch days and I was in Berkeley! Pleeeeeeaaase!
Love Primus prints and all the new minis. The new Primus print is great! I don’t know how many on the EQL drops Iv missed now but will take any bump of luck that’s there. Thank you Marq and Gnomes for all you do for the fans.
who or what is primus?
New to Spusta. I need more! Thank you Marq for drawing my spirit animals!
Been a while since I scored a mini pack, love the little spirit in a hat!
Absolutely love your work, really hoping to score a mini pack! Thanks for the opportunity.
I’ve been a Primus fan since ‘88, but being in Chicago area, haven’t caught a Spusta, yet. Would love one of these or the mini pack. Missed out on those last time. Didn’t realize, I needed to click the image til it was too late.
So, I have missed out on the last few. And I love Primus! But the main thing, me and Marq go way back. Like we basically went to school together. He gets it I’m sure. Anywho, good luck to the addicts tomorrow!
Hope my EQL luck changes. Would love to match a Little Spirit In A Hat with a Sproutlings in Symmetry.
Never hit an EQL. Hoping to boost my chances. Thanks as always to Marq and the gnomies!
I want a cookie 🍪…. No I need a mini pack!!!
Appreciate the opportunity.
Thank you for the chance.
Lotta disappointments, but will always hope for some luck and fun in the process.
Goes to show how much everyone loves your work!
pls god. Let there be a surprise from eql for me tomorrow 🥳
Love this new mini and hoping for some luck tomorrow!
Thanks for the chance. Hoping for more than an eqL silver lining
0 for 30+ on EQL. Hoping to get a mini pack tomorrow….love the ghost
Hey marq! Haven’t hit a mini drop in a good minute so would love to snag another! Love the work you keep putting out!!
studio has always been kind to me.
I’ve been unsuccessful on every eql drop (yours and chuck Sperry) 40 some odd entries.
hoping luck changes for a mini pack ❤️
this will be my first time. just came across your amazing art. I hope I can get one of these amazing primus prints. thank you again so much for sharing the world your art.
Here’s to hoping my 23rd EQL entry is a mystery mini print pack winner! Thanks for the opportunity as always Marq!
Hey Marq, I would love to be picked for a mini pack! Thanks
I am an east coast Primus nerd – never hit a Spusta EQL drop. Would appreciate a Primus power boost. Thanks Marq!
I appreciate any opportunity to acquire additions to my priceless x collection of Marq’s work. Thank you ALL, for ALL you do! Be well!! Cheers!!!
I could use a little boost right now…Life has been giving it to me pretty good lately. Spusta art always helps lift my Spirit.
Excited for these. Never hit on an EQL drop but always love a chance for more mini prints
Hey Marq,
I adore all of the minis that you do. Would love to start a little clan of weirdos.
Thanks for all the hard work and creativity!
Joe Lesh
Would love a shot at one of these packs! Missed out on the last minis and am loving this new image! Thanks for the chance!
love this poster you did such a great piece. I was at the Berkeley show it was an epic show. I was in the long line waiting for the posters to arrive which they final did. However they were sold out by the time I got up there missing it by one person in front of me that was able to by the poster that was up to show off what the poster looked like. I hope to be able to buy one of the artists edition. Thank you and keep up your amazing work.
Primus sucks
Spirits, Skulls, and Mice Ohhhh My!!!!!
I’ve been an absolutely massive Primus fan for decades now and I love your work, so snagging one of these prints would be amazing! Never had much luck with EQL, sadly =/
Whoa just a regular ole Primus/marq fan hoping for a chance, thank you 🙏🏼 🦝
Have never won at a Spusta lottery. Hoping for a Primus 🤞😁🤞
Thank you for the opportunity. To own either Artist Edition would be astounding! Having lived through the massive wall of sound that Sessanta in Berkeley produced was so spectacular! Adding this Primus print tops it off. What a night!
The depiction of several Primus characters hits so hard Marq!!
Question: Will choosing one ‘Notify Me’ button give notification for both variant drops? I hit the notify me in EQL for the Pink which shows dropping at 4pm.
I see no button to notify for the Blue variant now.
Thanks for the opportunity!!!
Sorry, we have now added the reminders feature to the Artist Edition as well – thanks for pointing that out.
Good luck, my friend 🤟🏻
What’s up! You remember me from kindergarten? Well I remember you, Wisco!!!
Hahah 🙂
Hi Marq, I’ve (honesty) never hit a pack. I’d be thrilled for any type of boost 🙂 Thank you!
I’m 0-fer on EQL, please let me have any boost possible 🙏 Cheers!
Hi Marq, Long time customer. Missed out on the the last mini pack sale. Hope I’m lucky tomorrow! Thanks!
I started listening to Primus back in ’93 with my oldest sisters boyfriend. Finally got to see them in ’99 at Ozzfest and I have only missed one show in my hometown since then! I have not had much luck with the EQL drawings. I have entered every drawing thru EQL that you have offered and several other artists as well. I’ve only been selected once out of probably 15-20 total entries!! Thank you for the opportunity,James
I would love a pack please!!!!!!
Crossing my fingers for a mini pack
My son is an avid fisherman, and a Spusta fan. I’d really love this print the most for his bedroom! He likes it a lot…….and he is a teen, so he never will admit to liking something I like……..this is a big deal! Thanks for listening, I’ll enter tomorrow and keep my 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞 thanks for all the things!
Huge Primus fan here! I f’n love Les Claypool!!
I would love to own one of these and display on my wall!!
I have lots of Spusta posters on my walls and I would love to hang this one.
And I’m a highly addicted fisherman!! This poster is tits!
I love the little people toys from way back when and of course Tweek!
I didn’t go to school with you, but I did go to UW Milwaukee for a year and a half, ’93-’95
I love the Packers!
I need more minis too, man i have a lot of your minis, but I can never get enough, such fun art, hook a brother up please
Great story about WSP Berkeley 2005 or so. We had parked in the upper parking lot. Left for the show with the windows rolled down a bit for our 2 dogs. We were living in Southern Oregon at the time. We left the show during the encore. We got near the top of the hill by the lot, the music was still playing. There was a small crowd of people without tickets right below the parking lot enjoying the show from above. We saw a dog that looked like ours, and then a second. Then realized they were our dogs. I had a case of glass with me and had been showing it/selling during the day. I thought maybe someone broke our dogs out, or worse. Got back to the car and realized I had left the drivers window all the way down and the dogs must have jumped out. Not sure how long the dogs were our chilling with the heads, but they stayed close and must of had a great show! So Funny!
Hey Marq and gnomes! I’ve emailed Marq in the past about Primus prints and he went digging in the flat files but none were to be found. I also screwed the pooch on the last few rounds of mini drops and have been crying in my beer for weeks. Had a buddy who was at the Berkeley show who tried to get me a Primus print but as you may know he was actually too early in the line to get a print because the prints were late being delivered to the venue! Anyways I’m a huge Primus fan and would love any boost I could possibly get with the EQL lottery tomorrow! If I do get picked by some chance, the print will be framed and in it’s forever home. Thanks for the opportunity and for doing another killer Primus piece.
Lady Luck! I need some extra!!!!!
Love me some Primus and Spusta all in one. Been a fan of Primus since my days in high school. Les is a legend on bass and seeing them live always gets better every show. The best poster of the whole tour and if I win will go straight to the wall. Keep up the great work Marq 🙂
Missed last time. Appreciate this opportunity!
I totally missed the “An Understanding between friends” drop, I thought I was on the mailing list but blew it. I have had no luck with EQL launches in the past so I’m ignorantly optimistic That I will score bc I am due! Been buying as many slap pax as I can afford to get my fix on mics. Looking for Primus but love Spusta, anything is a win in my book! Drinking pork soda, sailing the seas of cheese with my boy Glooby… ✌️ ❤️
I missed out on the first drop on the last mini sale, I was off by a half hour on the second because I only checked back in once that day and saw the wrong time posted. What a whirl wind of a day for me. I’d really like to get a mini pack this time. I love your art, so fun and colorful!
Thank you
Please help me out I think I’m 0-20 on EQL. Appreciate it!
i would love a little boost spirit in the hat!! ❤️🦑
Hi Marq & gnomes,
It’s been awhile since I last laid eyes on any new Spusta. I missed the Primus print due to the late drop off & focus on the music in Berkeley 🤘 I have missed or given up on the last 1-2 years of mini and poster drops but still love seeing the art❣️ The Dead Hollywood Bowl prints were spooktacular (~):} Hope to see you at a show – Phish Berkeley was fun to catch you on a walkway. Peace and love to your family, enjoy the summer weather and resurgence of Bay Area fun 💥
This print is brilliant. I was at this show in Berkeley. It was great. Looking to get one of the AP colorways. They really pop. Time will tell!
Hi Marq & Gnomes! Please BOOST my A$$ to the MOON! Would love a Little Spirit in a hat Mystery Mini Pack!! No we did not go to school together but you schooled many of us on Why horseshoe crabs suck at dyin’! 👾
Have a Happy Memorial Weekend!! 🇺🇸
Y’all are amazing for doing this. I was in CA for 4/20 and saw your artwork for the show and had to try but was unsuccessful. I’ll be trying for either Primus print if the help is granted, thank you!!
Never hit a EQL and Primus Sucks!
I love the minis. I hope to land a pack one day!!
Primus Sucks!!
I have seen Primus 4 times and les claypool side projects at least 9 times. This would be fantastic thing to win
Love me some sweet spusta paper
missed previous drops.
Minis for my minny me
Been patiently waiting for daddy Gnome to send me something, but I know he’s busy busy. Never hit an EQL and Gnome 11 is always good to me. I went to school with a Marq but he couldn’t draw a circle to save his life! Thanks for the chance. Looking for a pack! Thanks for everything!
Primus Sucks!
Thanks for the opportunity!
Figure it can’t hurt to comment! Have been out of the game for a little bit, but the Little Spirit in a Hat called to me. Thanks as always for the opportunity!
Newbie here! I’ve only been able to acquire a couple minis and micros from groups. Excited to try and learn the EQL process. Looking for a mystery pack!
I don’t want to claim I’m a bigger fan than anyone else when it comes to Primus fans. I will say that watching Ler sing “I Want it Now” during the Wonka tour is a core memory.
One of my favorite Primus shows was the Taft in Cinci during their 3D tour. I bought my best friend a ticket for his birthday. It’s one of my biggest ISOs and you were the artist.
If I get lucky tomorrow, it’ll be my first Spusta! Good luck, everyone!
Hey!!! Good luck, Erin!!!
Very new to your art and hoping to build a small collection, but I’m not familiar yet where I can find these various art drops, particularly the Gnome drops. Could you share some good info for beginning collectors? Thanks!
I believe “Gnome Drops” is referring to the Spusta Gnome Secret Stash – spustastash.com
I went to school with Marq and I am a huge Primus fan. My first show was during the Tales from the Punchbowl tour. Also Naz Reid.
Been a huge fan of your work Marq since the release of Dino Jr. Farm album!!! My son Harrison’s 5th birthday is tomorrow May 24th (2019), if I scored a Primus print it would live on his wall forever 🙏
Fingers crossed for a
Do you remember helping me complete my art projects in seventh grade? I was (and still am) terrible at art. My family despises having me as a partner in Pictionary because I’m not only worthless at drawing pictures but I’m a poor interpreter as well.
I’m sorry but it really needs to be said right here, right now for the whole world wide web. The turning point in your life as a developing artist was the privilege of sitting next to me and completing my assignments. I was (and still am) like really cool. And we both know this.
Want more minis. Thanks.
Missed on the last minis
Thx for another shot
Primus sucks!
Refuse to use EQL. Not a good company. Sad it has come to this. Make more packs!
Hoping for some EQL luck on a mini pack! Love the new images.
So there I was, naked from the waist down, sitting in my truck sweating with a cigarette ashing on my thigh when suddenly there was a disturbance. The entire truck shook then stopped. Slowly looking out the window I see wings fluttering in sync with the music from the radio. A giant moth perched on the roof introduced himself as Bryson after our eyes met.
Saw sessanta on their last tour stop in New York, what an amazing show!!
I have all your primus gig posters and would love to add this new beauty to the collection. Thanks Marq!!
Mini packs, treasures small,
Hold secrets, stories untold.
In their tiny embrace,
Worlds unfold.
hope to get a mini pack!! thank you!
No idea how EQL works, but have signed up on the off chance! Huge primus fan from New Zealand, will be getting up at ridiculously early o’clock to register 🤘🤘
It’s been a while since I’ve had the excitement of opening a pack from the studio. Would you be so kind to boost my opportunity of receiving a mini pack? Thank you in advance.
Marq, Absolutely love your art. Continue doing what you do!
don’t think I’ve landed a drop of yours yet so hoping this will be my first! thanks and keep up the awesome work!
I haven’t gotten any of these new images yet, so really hoping for a mini mail day!! Thanks as always Marq & Gnomes!!
…closest thing I could find to apple pie…
loving the new mini!! great work team!
Just wanted to say thank you sincerely to the entire Spusta team for trying to make this process as fair as possible! In this world, I honestly feel that the EQL system is just about as fair as it gets!
I have been a huge Primus fan for years and was fortunate to see them on the Sessanta Tour in Texas. Having an amazing poster by the best artist in the world would make my summer! Regardless, thank you again so much for making a real effort to make this process as fair as possible for all of your fans!!!
Huge spusta and primus fan here. I haven’t been picked in the last 3 lotteries. Thanks for a chance though
I have entered every single EQL drawing you’ve had and only won once. I’ve seen Les Claypool live almost 60 times and am a huge Spusta collector 🐟
would love to get a mini pack! I missed out the last two drops :(. Thanks for the chance!!
Let’s see: – I am, for sure, a previous customer that missed out on the last minis. Have several great pieces hanging on the wall, including the gold foil print that was originally a Ween poster! 🙂
Also, a huge Primus fan …. probably seen them about 20+ times. Les is Moe! (Anyone remember the Moe or Les Festival in 2002 on Marvin’s Mountaintop??)
Would love to grab a mini pack, thank you.
Would love a EQL boost! Missed the last Minis, sold out so fast! 🙂
Only going for the Primus In any of the two colors!
Marq – I love your work! I’ve never been able to beat the bots for any Minis, so I’m crossing my fingers this new EQL system helps me get a few of your little guys on my wall.
Love em all! hoping to win one! been a minute. thank you!
Always look forward to email regarding new prints. However never had any good fortune with EQL. Love the Primus prints and the mini’s. Let go EQL,
I was at the Greek for Sessanta and missed the poster, in line for long time buuut made two new friends. I saw you walking up the stairs post show and congratulated you on the poster.
-former part time HMB resident
I can honestly say that the merch line the night of the show was the longest I have ever seen at the Greek. I missed out because of not wanting to miss out on a great show but hoping to score here!
Absolutely LOVE the Primus work here. The detail is insane!! EQL has not been friendly to me whatsoever on any front so I’ll greatly GREATLY appreciate any help! Thank you!! 😊
Fuck EQL.
Marq you ruined the fun of collecting your art by signing up with these clowns
I love Primus, was lucky enough to attend the Sessanta show, but did get to snag one of these prints. Thst thing is absolutely stunning, instant classic.
I wasn’t at the Berkeley show, but love the primus print! am trying to get the primus print for my older brother who turned me on to primus and fishing when we were kids. we both collect primus fish/fishing prints and while I would love to have one, this one is a gift for him if I’m lucky enough to be selected.
Thank you for a chance at grabbing some of these great new minis! God if you listeninnnnnnn, boost those EQL stats pls. Cheers
It’s definitely been a minute… NO WHAMMMIES
I’d love a chance at a mini pack, thanks Marq!
Thank you for a chance to get the new minis! I think EQL is a very fair way to do it – especially for me living in the UK, I always fail miserably at poster drops, so this is a better chance. I will keep my fingers crossed for tonight!
Thank you Marq for this wonderful opportunity to enjoy your art. I believe in fate. If I boost my chances here and win then it was suppose to happen. I enjoy your work either way. Keep creating amazing art and Thank you again for making this happen.
I have all 28 posters from the 28 Les Claypool/Primus shows I have attended. Hoping to acore an AP as they sold out while I was in line. The poster will be in it’s forever home.
Would love a chance at this Primus Poster. Just a beautiful Piece. Here’s hoping!
Hey guys, thanks for creating a fair way to try and get the artist prints from the Sessanta show, I attended the show, it was amazing! Tried a couple of times to hit the merch booth to score this beauty, but was unable to, like many. Hoping to get lucky and score one of these today. Thanks for the consideration!
Looking for a BOOST, Thank you!
Appreciate the efforts to ensure fans get the prints!!! I’ll be going for the minis!! Thanks Marq!!! Loving the “Little Spirit in a hat”
I would love a mini pack, and I qualify as “Previous customers that missed out on the last minis”
Thank you and take care!
Thanks for another oppurtunity for prints. My wife and i were crushed when the undestanding betweem print went from buy to sold out before i could even click on it. Love all your mini prints. Keep up the awesomeness!
Really sad I always miss! Would love this chance!
Just got into Spusta last month and starting to quickly build my connection. Such a unique artist!
A mini print boost would be most appreciated!
artist edition
Wasn’t able to attend Sessanta but I have been watching Primus suck since 2003 with their Tour de Fromage. I also seem to have no luck with EQL at all. Thanks for the chance! Fish on!
Thanks for the chance!!
Hey Mary and gnomessssss would love a mystery pack if possible! Struck out on a chance of a Ray at the Haight Ashbury show last weekend by one person and would love a chance at one! All the best and thanks for the opportunity!
Boost my Mini Pack chances! Yay!
Would love a mini pack W today. Any extra EQL points will gladly be accepted 😉
AVACADO!!!! (that’s my safe word)
I missed out on getting a print at the Berkeley show. Hoping to boost my chances in the lottery. Thanks for the chance!
Attended this show in Berkeley!!! What a great experience. Would love some Spusta art to commemorate this event 💚
Thanks for the art!!!
The EQL way is the beees kneees! and as always I loooooooooooove yooooooooooouuuuuuuu
My wife says I should try for a mini package, even though I already have one…..
gigantic Primus fan over here that just absolutely adores your work
Hey Marq! Thanks for the chance to get some mini’s! Been collecting your work since 2006! Thanks for everything! Cheers Mate!
Would love any of these glorious pieces! Thanks for the chances as always and look forward to adding to the collection. You guys rock!
Going for minis only please and thank you so much!
These two prints are so clean but I’d rather boost my chances for the mini print pack!
Those prinus variants are 🔥🔥🔥. Amazing work guys!!
Primus** yikes 🙃✌️💚
Love that Primus print and It’s been too long since I’ve opened a new mini pack. Fingers crossed for an EQL boost.
Thanks for the help
Love my Spusta! It’s been awhile for new friends. we need something new for the walls!
Thanks everyone!
Hoping for a mini pack! I’ve only ever scored once. Great work as always!
Yo dude – remember me from 2nd grade? My name is Mud😉
slush pup 🐶
Missed out on last mini packs.
Would love a chance at these!
Marq kick it down!
Hello Ive attending over 100 Primus shows, attended the Berkeley show with my 3 year old. My daughter’s 2nd Claypool show! Would love the opportunity to win the Pink n Gold for her. Thank you so much for the chance. Hopefully we can get it personalized at an upcoming show before we frame it. Such a special time and still can’t believe she made it through the first 3 acts before getting sleepy! Amazing Show!! Primus Sucks!
Fingers crossed for your little girl’s AE, Vegas!!!
Spusta prints coming in with the fire again! cant tell you how awesome these ghost prints are. would love to be selected to buy these ones.
Hi I attended the Sessanta show in Berkeley we found out ahead of time about the poster and we were so excited this was my daughters second concert and we are huge Spusta collectors and Primus fans! I got into line as soon as we entered the venue and unfortunately the posters were not there yet I tried to get people behind me to swap spots but had no takers. Shortly after I made my purchases and got out of line the posters arrived. I asked a friend further back in line to get me one however they were unable to get a second poster due to the 1 poster limit at the booth. unfortunately at that point the lines were so long I was unable to get a poster. Having one of these would be such an honor and be so exciting for the memories with my young daughter. Thank you for the consideration I’m a huge fan!
I’m a huge Primus fan.
I saw the Sessanta show in Atlantic City, and then Primus again in Wilkes Barre on May 6th, 3rd row center, 21 song set!
I didn’t go to school with Marq, but I did meet him at a Dogfish Head event a while back, and I carry a NJ medical card.
I went to high school with a Marco Spustanovich, so pretty much the same, and I’m the biggest of Primus fans. Hope that helps my chances.
Good luck, man 🤘🏻 Quite the Name Dropper there!
I have yet to hit an EQL drop! Would love to add some more minis around the house!! Thanks for the opportunity!!
eql == no spusta in my life or on my walls. Please re store my faith in digital humanity
I tried to get the previous mini print mystery pack but it sold out quick, hopefully this boots my chances.
A boost would be awesome!
would love a pack of minis. 🤞🤞
Love the new minis! fingers crossed!
I’d love a chance for mini pack! Thanks!
All I want for nurses week is a Spusta mini pack! Plz don’t let cold hospital pizza win!!
I have some primus memorabilia from the 90s you can have too Marq!
The biggest Primus fan
I would love a little extra boost/help with a chance but also wish everyone else had some extra help. I’m just happy to have a chance at all. I’m waiting for a turtle print to come out so I can try to acquire an OG of a turtle from you. 😆 thanks again for the amazing art!
Mini pack mini pack mini pack…please. Primus print would be ok as well, haha🤘🕺🏻🤘
just hoping for some minis, although we’re big Primus fans in this house! Didn’t make the show so will hope for art prints at a later date. Missed out on the last mini drop so hoping for some luck this time… “Little ghost, little ghost, one I’m scared of the most… Won’t you scare me up a little bit of love?”
Yes -pleeeezzz 😎
Primus and a mini-pack. Great EQL launch. Hope I win.
Never hit an EQL drop before. When it comes to Spusta I haven’t hit on ANY drop in quite some time. Very happy for @Spustastudios but I miss when things used to sit in the shop for a little while and we could actually buy them …
Been missing out on drops lately!! Would love to boost my chances for a mini pack!
Hello. would love a little eql boost like mentioned above if able. Much thanks
1st Primus show in 1997 toronto
This could be my 1st spusta print!
FISH ON!!!!!!
Love primus, Love spusta, love hidden gems like the suck on this reference on the cats shirt. On the other hand, no love for EQL!
Hoping for a mini pack! Missed on the last drop from the shop as well as Umbzy on EQL. Forever grateful for you and the gnomes!
I am your friend till the end .
I would love to get the opportunity to buy this mystery Pack
I get why artists use eql but I’m 0/40 or so entries so far, so I am not a fan. Hoping to break the streak with a mini pack!
I would love a boost for these packs! Missed out on the last packs and Sgungles and Shared Branch are 2 of my new favorites. Thanks for arting, Marq! 😊
Would be an honor to have my first piece of your art and my first Primus print. Sessanta was an experience I won’t forget
Have been to 4 Primus concerts + Sessanta. Never been close to getting a poster. This would be the most amazing addition to my wall. Even if we don’t win, I think we all gotta thank you for the such a great piece of art
Would love an EQL boost if possible! Huge Primus fan! Good luck to all!
Just wondering if anyone know how many times you get denied befor you get one just wondering like what’s the most some has entered and not been picked
I’m a big fan, boost me please !
I haven’t got new art from you in like a year because I’m never lucky enough or I’m too busy with my food truck business to even secure a lottery entry. I used to get most drops until this lottery method (which I understand, but it still stinks not being able to get any of your art anymore)
I’m just hoping to up my chances here! I’m so tired of being beat up by bots and seeing the art up on eBay minutes later. I hope this way is genuinely more fair.
Missed out on the last pack drop sadly and need some more friends to frame!
and I would like to return the boost..to your bottom line..
thank you Marq
My first Primus show was May 4th, 1990. They were billed as Bob Cock and the Yellow Sock and opened for Screamin’ Jay Hawkins at The I-Beam on Haight Street. Definitely a memorable set! I still have my ticket stub from that night! What I don’t have is a Spusta Primus poster. Would love to change that!
Mini pack please. Thank you for the opportunity
Hi! I was at the Sessenta show and that merch booth was overwhelmed. I was in line but they didn’t have the poster in yet when I made my way to the front. would love love love to get this print on the wall! thanks for the consideration! Los bastrdos de primus 4 life!!!
“The boy he liked to Rock and Roll, seems that’s the way he paid his way!”
“Del Davis sold a Christmas tree – stood up to eight feet tall.”
Epic Primus design. I’ll be trying that second EQL launch for the Gold edition.
My first Spusta design was “Tweak the Bug” on a Tee Shirt purchased in 2012 at a Primus/Fishbone concert.
I’m seeing them in July in Paso Robles!
You remain my favorite artist. My friends are envious of my Phish MSG poster!
I love you guys and Gnomes.
Would love to add that Spirit to the collection, thanks for the opportunity.
Love either Primus version. Just wanted to say thanks for always looking after your fans. Doodle line may be out the door for 10 straight hours, but you’re still smiling and cutting up the whole time. The gnomes are always tirelessly grinding away too. Y’all are the best. Cheers
Boost me if possible!
Never hit a mini pack drop. Thanks for the chance!
Hopefully I can get one of the selections for retail price this time. I spend a fortune aftermarket collecting my pieces.
So far I’ve got once on a EQL hoping for another victory. I do pretty well on drops. Grateful either way
Missed out on the Berkeley Sessanta print at the show, and so far have never been selected for an EQL drawing. Fingers crossed that this will be the one!!!
have not hit any eql to date…but that’s gotta change right? cheers marq
Would love to own a Spusta print! Haven’t hit any EQL yet!
Life happens and had to skip some drops in the past but hoping to make up for some lost time! Thanks for any chance of an eql boost!
Ice Chest to follow with one decent kidney.
Hopefully I can win through here since I’m 2 minutes late for eql drop!😃
Miss out on most drops but that’s ok maybe I’ll get lucky nd get picked to buy some of those mini prints but regardless keep the good art flowing
I think I missed out on the mini print eql. Hopefully there will be another drop sometime soon. Good luck everyone.
CO Primus nerd here (wave) Easily my fav from the Sessanta run, hoping i can score a reg. thanks for the chance. I hit about 50% of the time and would sit out the next year if you allow me to hit this 🙂
I’m a huge fan. Been following your work for the 2 years or so. I would love to add to my mini collection. Missed out on the last release. Hope to score on the drop tomorrow. Have a blessed day!
Missed the time window on the Primus reg, the last poster i purchased from you was BMFS so I’ve been lucky but hoping my luck continues. Would be honored to own the Berkley reg, will trade heady stuff next time I’m in the Bay area. Thanks Marq!
Hi Marq – I missed the window for the minis 🙁 Maybe I can get lucky here if you still have some to sell. I’m newish to your work.
I was lucky enough to enter both EQL lottos but figured I’d also try my luck here. BIG BIG PRIMUS SUCKS fan
Would be honored to own this piece of magic
Noob collector here. Id be thrilled to purchase a mini pack, thanks Marq – your art is the bees knees.
I entered all 3 lottos but if i had to choose 1, I’d select the Primus regular, I was at the show and partied too hard with old buddies and missed at the show. Thanks for everything
Hi Marq – I’d love a shot at a primus poster, thanks for the chance.
Signed – 67 Primus shows and counting.
Good afternoon Marq and Gnomes!
I promise if i win I will never ever talk crap on lottos ever again.
Thanks for the chance! Would love either Primus SUCKS!
I’ve been shut out on so many EQL lotteries that I know my chances of winning are already pretty lofty, but what’s already greater than my chance of winning is my love of your art and knowing that Primus sucks 😉 Would love to be able to hang this on my wall! Appreciate you considering me. Thanks!
Hey Marq – work caused me to miss the lotto so throwing my shot here, thanks for the chance.
Hey Guys
Pleasseeeee pick me for the Primus regular, I am more worthy then the others, I can assure you I am THE BIGGEST PRIMUS fan in Louisiana. I will bribe you with beignet’s next time your down here.
All the best!
I’d love a mini pack, thanks for the chance.
We waited in line for 3 hours to be able to acquire some sessanta prints. We got the apc and puscifer prints, as well as the 24×36 sessanta signed foil. We were plenty ahead in the line to buy the Primus print. Having never seen Primus, and not being aware of what the poster was, I didn’t pay much attention. The show started and once Primus came on I knew I made a big mistake by not grabbing the print. Les on the bass blew me away, nearly stole the show, although that’s a tough sell with the 3 bands who were there. I tried desperately to acquire one from many people, some who had multiple of the print since there was no limit to purchasing them. No one was willing to let them go. I emailed Marq Spusta asking if there would be an artist drop for the print. I can’t say I ever honestly felt the sting of missing out on a print before this moment, and I did stay up at night reminiscing of what a silly mistake I had made. To say I would appreciate one of these prints is a heavy understatement. Thank you for the consideration.
Been a minute, I’d grab a pack
It’s the minis for me. I’ll keep submitting but a boost would be great.
Missed the entry window for the mini packs (daughter was inconveniently puking all afternoon/evening), would love a chance of a late entry LOL….good luck everyone!
Missed the entry window. Good luck to all who tried. Mini packs are the best! Thanks Marq!
Super duper primus fan! Hoping to boost my chances. Thanks for the opportunity!
Hoping to get my first Spusta poster. His art and Primus match perfectly. Will share feet pics if I am selected.
🙂 I didn’t sign up for the mini because I was not sure if it would impact my chances of winning a Primus print, so I’m here with hope!
Loving the new mini print! I was fortunate enough to land on the last mini pack drop. Wishing luck to those who missed out, you will absolutely LOVE them!!!
I am hoping for a mini pack!
… 🦖
Wishing. Hoping. Dreaming.
Need a little spirit in my life.
Dog will hunt. PRIMUS <3
I never win but keep on trying!
I missed everything lol
Anybody not want their mini pack, please send me their invoice 🥳 not lucky enough today
I just got denied for a mini pack at 4am. Hopefully I get some luck through a Gnomes Secret Stash drop of minis eventually. 🥲
EQL seems worse than any bot could possibly be. I’d rather just take my chances on a normal drop than play games through that lottery system. Missed out on everything as expected!
Well between Sperry and Spusta, I am 0/18 on drops from EQL, I guess I will have to buy from the flood of ones on eBay or the waffle people that are the “real collectors” that got one. I really appreciate you trying to do this fairly though, I know your mind is in the right place, but EQL sucks
I appreciate EQL. I apply, put my name in to hopefully get selected randomly, and don’t have to worry about f5/ when is drop/will it be a minute early/will it be a minute late/ is my info set/ which processing company gives me a better option? All that creates such stress and anxiety that even when you hit a drop it still is a toll.. yes I am a poster addict. I will continue to try for the art I love and appreciate the artists above all this. Thank you gnomes!!
i just wanted to say i was successful in winning this round of EQL lottery. first time to have a win. i have seen copious criticism of this method but i can see how artists would appreciate having more time for doing worthwhile things in life and dealing less with the outright keyboard rage and negativity from some who miss out. it’s not perfect, but even if it was someone is going to complain even if there were enough in an edition to sell to everyone that wanted one.
thank you again Marq for bringing another great one into the world. thank you Gnomes for the awesome service and the extra goodies you all pack into each parcel and i look forward to unpacking this crazy goodness in the flesh toot swweeet😊🥳