73 thoughts on “listening

  1. Todd Stotts

    Wow! What an awesome print! I’d buy another house just for more space if I could win some lotteries!!! Or buy all Spusta if I won the lottery!
    2015 theme “Imaspustanut” !!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the amaizingness!

    1. Spusta Gnome Post author

      They will first be available in the shop on 4/29/15 after 2pm pst. Then maybe some more inventory later and eventually, on a future Wednesday, the Black Edition of 78 will quietly drop.

      1. kmac

        yahoo quiet drop! yippy kinda just like the daze of old! Thanks Marq for giving us all a chance with a Random time Drop!!! Awesomeness 😛

  2. Sharon

    My daughter is so into records and at 15 loves your art. I’d live this for her room. She would be one happy girl

  3. Don C

    Already spotted some album differences, Several Shades of Why>Dark Side of the Moon… Will be fun to identify each variation!

  4. Mitchell Seyfer

    This will go good with the turntable I already bought… but hey, if I’m the lucky winner of the turntable, I’ll give it to my friend, who is also a vinyl and Spusta fan. Beautiful artwork. Thank you!

  5. Andy P

    Awful drop for me 🙁 Thought I had it, but for someone reason even though there is only one shipping option, you need to select it. I hit checkout and thought I was done, but apparently that information was missing.

    Why the need to select that if it’s the only option? Shouldn’t it be automatically selected?

    1. MariannaL

      I am right there with you Andy P, except I had selected the correct shipping method and hit checkout and it was still taken from me…..

  6. Chris

    Had this at the Paypal screen then I lost it. Do you know how many were sold and what time the drop later will be?

  7. Henry

    I clicked pay on the PayPal and was extremely excited and and got backed out of it and it said I had nothing in my cart. Quite salty.

  8. Bryan P

    I had the same thing happen to me as Andy P. above. Even after I selected the ONLY shipping option available and proceeded to checkout, it brought me back saying that my shipping option was invalid. Then, they were gone. I agree with Andy… IF there is only ONE shipping option, why make your customers go and select that option? Especially on drops like these where everyone and his momma are trying to grab one. Very disappointed… and frustrated. I hope I will be able to score one of these later. Great concept and artwork, Marq! LOVE this print!

  9. Eric CAL

    Bummed as I had a similar experience but lets focus on the positive. Stellar art, great subject matter, Marq’s recent support of RSD (free print), his IG posts with all of the vinyl he listens to while arting. I’m glad he’s sharing this art and experience with us and it gets out to the public…even if I miss out :/ Staying positive! 🙂

  10. Josh

    Spusta FB post: Sorry about all the stalled servers with the Shop today – We still have plenty of the Listening prints left. Let’s plan on just doing the rest of ’em in a purchasing lottery at marqspusta.com tonight. Give me a bit to get that posted.

    I think this marks the end of the 3rd or 4th store service that hasn’t worked for us. We have a new plan for future sales but may have to keep our releases as lotteries in the meantime.

    Thanks for your patience…we’ve always struggled with our online sales and our store services seem to throw their hands up at the intense spikes in traffic. Then they ask for more money, then they throw their hands up again when it crashes the next time. Anyway, sorry to have wasted so much of your time with frustrating loading payment screens. I really appreciate all the attention the art has been receiving. I hope to get as many of you this print as possible…

  11. kmac

    Wow! Super Bummed..shit just wasn’t working right 🙁 Hope you get the kinks worked out for future drops cuz my blood pressure is thru the dang roof!

  12. Richie Rich

    Throw my name in the upcoming lottery per favore. I had it all the way threw paypal and then lost it. It was so much easier when Marq wasnt SOOOOOOO DAMN POPULAR> lol

    Congrats on all your success Marq. I remember when you had prints in the shop for days. Luckily I got on your bandwagon way early.

  13. javier

    still trying to recover from the brain aneurysm that drop caused me. hope to score one in the lotto to help ease the pain. 🙂

  14. Sascha

    I was so excited, but lost the first drop while checking out.

    Please sign me in to the LOTTO and give me a chance, while I might sleep 🙂


  15. J.Miller

    Ah I thought I actually had it! Got all through checking out & then it told me my cart was now empty. I wanted this one so ooooooook bad! Hopefully someday. Thanks for everything!

  16. Arlin

    That was definitely stressful. Thanks for putting in the extra effort to make your fans happy. Really hoping to pick one up in the lottery since I was wasn’t a lucky one either.

  17. Edward N Coombs

    Would LOVE to be considered for a lottery on this. I have never successfully gotten a print unless I was at a show. How disappointing to have one in my cart , pay for it and then be told it was gone… I have no idea if it went through,

  18. Amber

    I absolutely love this print. It makes me think of my cousin and our special bond. Good times. Great print.


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